~ The Bad Artist Affirmation...

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Wreck-It-Ralph-Fans's avatar

:hooray: ENGLISH…

Originally Posted @ Tumblr :pointr: thesanityclause.tumblr.com/pos…

(...) Everyone has a moment when they think “I am a bad artist.” and they think that because they see a level of skill they have not achieved yet. If this is the case, every artist ever is a bad artist, because every artist ever has had some idea, some plan, some goal of a skill level or creation that they have not achieved yet. And that’s good. Learning and growth and moving forward are all good things, so instead of trying to be some fictionalized version of a good artist, let’s all be bad artists together.

:hooray: ESPAÑOL…

Originalmente Posteado & Traducido de Tumblr :pointr: thesanityclause.tumblr.com/pos…

(...) Todos tienen ese momento en el que piensan "soy un mal artista.” y piensan eso porque miran hacia un nivel de habilidad al que no han llegado aún. Si este es el caso, todos somos malos artistas alguna vez, porque todo artista ha tenido una vez alguna idea, algun plan, respecto de un nivel de habilidad o de creación al que no ha llegado. Y eso es bueno. Aprender y crecer y seguir adelante son cosas buenas, así que antes de tratar de ser una suerte de versión ficticia de un buen artista, seamos todos juntos malos artistas.
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Insacove's avatar
This is.
This is just...

*favorites forever*